

Past Workshops


The MoCap Committee will host another exciting workshop with focus on Smart Industry, Smart City and Smart Society. Researchers and engineers are kindly invited to submit their work on motion capture and fine-scale localization, particularly in the aforementioned field of Smart environments.

Included topics are

  • Localization and tracking in Industry 4.0
  • Localization enabling Smart City
  • Wireless Motion Capture in Smart Society
  • Navigation and tracking for Smart Agriculture
  • Localization for tags and readers
  • Novel tracking methods
  • RFID-based navigation
  • Hybrid methods
  • SAR and radar-based techniques
  • Indoor localization and Multipath mitigation
  • Outdoor localization
  • Signal processing for RFID-based localization
  • Machine-learning and Artificial Intelligence
  • Real-time localization


The TC MoCap is about to organize a workshop on motion capture and localization at IEEE WiSEE 2021 .

We are very excited for your paper submission on the field of wireless motion capture and localization, especially those related to space and aeronautical applications.

Included topics are

  • Space Applications in Localization
  • RFID Applications in Space
  • Space-based Robotics
  • SAR and Radar-based Techniques
  • Fleet Formation Satellite Coordination
  • Aeronautical ID and Motion Tracking
  • mm-Wave/THz Imaging
  • RF Debris Tracking
  • Remote Orbital Determination
  • Drone-based Applications
  • Satellite Tracking
  • Large Aperture Phasing/Coordination
  • Planetary Exploration Applications
  • General Theory of Radiolocation

Submission Deadline is July 1, 2021


The TC on Motion Capture & Localization conducted a successful workshop at the 15th annual conference on RFID (IEEE RFID 2021) with lots of interesting publications in the field of cm-scale RFID localization, RF-based identification of motion, gestures and vehicles, autonomous mobile sensing platforms as well as wireless imaging and tomography techniques.

Have a look into the workshop program and get an impression of the exciting work that was presented at this workshop: