Jennifer Hasler

Prof. Jennifer Hasler is a full professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology.  Dr. Hasler received her M.S. and B.S.E. in Electrical Engineering from Arizona State University in 1991, received her Ph.D. from California Institute of Technology in Computation and Neural Systems in 1997, and received her Master of Divinity from Emory University in 2020.  Her current research interests include low power electronics, mixed-signal system ICs, floating-gate MOS transistors, adaptive information processing systems, “smart” interfaces for sensors, cooperative analog-digital signal processing, device physics related to submicron devices or floating-gate devices, and analog VLSI models of on-chip learning and sensory processing in neurobiology.  Dr. Hasler received the NSF CAREER Award in 2001, and the ONR YIP award in 2002.  Dr. Hasler has been involved in multiple startup companies, including GTronix, founded in 2002 and acquired by Texas Instruments in 2010.  Dr. Hasler received the Paul Raphorst Best Paper Award, IEEE Electron Devices Society, 1997, a Best paper award at SCI 2001, Best Paper at CICC 2005, Best Sensor Track paper at ISCAS 2005, Best paper award at Ultrasound Symposium, 2006, Best Demonstration paper award, ISCAS 2010, Best paper award at SCI 2001, 2nd Place, Student Paper Award, IEEE Sensors Conference.  Dr. Hasler has been an author on over 350 journal and refereed conference papers.  Jennifer has graduated over 40 Ph.D. Students, and where twelve students moved on to academic positions, and eight students as co-founders of technical startup companies.
